Views: 2192
14 June 2018

FIFA World Cup. Map of Russia - Russian version of campaign online now

In the run-up to the FIFA World Cup in Russia the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament has launched its campaign to address FIFA. We urge FIFA and its members to be more vocal on the human rights situation in Russia, fight for the release of political prisoners from Russian prisons and finally take over their collective responsibility for human rights – also in their choice of future host countries.

In cooperation with MEMORIAL Human Rights Centre Russia, we have prepared a map of Russia, which draws attention to the situation of political prisoners and takes the victims of state repression out of their anonymity. The campaign includes a list of political prisoners and an open petition targeted at FIFA which we encourage fans to sign during the World Cup.


Rebecca Harms, Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and expert on Russia and Eastern Europe, is commenting:

"We are looking forward to many exciting games and hope fans will enjoy the tournaments. Nevertheless, FIFA's decision to choose Russia and Qatar as host countries for the World Cup was wrong. Therefore, we want to use the momentum of attention and shed light onto the dire human rights situation in Russia and inform about the more than 150 political prisoners, among them many Ukrainians, kept behind bars all over Russia. Please sign, share and spread the petition and urge FIFA to call for their release and fight for the freedom of all those unjustly imprisoned."

Here you can find the link to the Russian version of the campaign and sign the petition:


The German, English and French versions of the campaign are also online:

Please feel free to share and spread the link.