Views: 1861
20 July 2018

One third of Ukrainians believe that it is necessary to increase international pressure on Russia in order to establish peace in the Donbas

One third of Ukrainians believe that international sanctions and the pressure of international structures on the Russian Federation should be strengthened in order to establish peace in the Donbas.

This is evidenced by sociological study of the Democratic Initiatives Foundation (DIF), which was conducted jointly with the sociological service of the Razumkov Center and was presented in Ukrinform.

30.6% of respondents believe that the establishment of better living conditions in Donbas regions under the control of Ukraine is another effective mechanism for the restoration of peace. At the same time, 14.2% of respondents support the restoration of Ukraine's control over the "DNR" and "LNR" by military force for the restoration of peace.

In addition, 13% of respondents believe that peace will be facilitated by holding legitimate elections in the territories controlled by "LNR" and "DNR", and almost the same number of respondents - 12.9% - believes that it is necessary to provide a special status for "LNR" and "DNR" within Ukraine in order to achieve peace.

At the same time,  9.8% support separation of the territories occupied by "LNR" and "DNR" from Ukraine for the establishment of peace in the Donbas.

7.2% consider that it is necessary to give amnesty to all those who participated in hostilities in the Donbas, 7.1% considers it is necessary to stop the financing of territories occupied by "LNR" and "DNR" in terms of payment of wages and pensions.

In addition, 6.6% believe that the prospect of NATO membership should be abandoned in order to establish peace in the Donbas.

The poll was conducted from May 19 to May 25 in all regions except for Crimea and the occupied territories of Lugansk and Donetsk Oblasts. 2019 respondents aged 18 and over were polled. The theoretical sample error does not exceed 2.3%.