Views: 1534
9 June 2016

The future of Crimea: is reintegration possible, when and how?


The future of Crimea: is reintegration possible, when and how? Part1. UCMC, 8.06.2016

The future of Crimea: is reintegration possible, when and how? Part2. UCMC, 8.06.2016

Yulia Tyschenko, expert on civil society development programs, Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research
Refat Chubarov, Head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, MP (“Petro Poroshenko Bloc” faction)
Yuriy Smilyanskyi, expert of the charity foundation “Maidan of Foreign Affairs”
Mykhailo Samus, deputy director on international affairs, Center for Research on Army, Conversion and Disarmament
Sergiy Kunitsyn, MP (“Petro Poroshenko Bloc” faction)
Yusuf Kurkchi, First Deputy Minister on Temporarily Occupied Territories and IDPs
Pavlo Kazarin, journalist, TV host, observer of “Krym.Realii” [“Crimea.Reality”]
Andriy Kymenko, senior editor of “BlackSeaNews” portal
Natalia Belitser, expert, Pylyp Orlyk Democracy Institute
Ruslan Kermach, expert-analyst of Ilko Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives Foundation
Moderator: Larysa Gubina, TV journalist