17:42 12.09.2018
Over 40% of Ukrainians back accession to NATO, over a third support non-aligned status - poll Media14:15 06.09.2018
Half a year to the elections: candidate and party rankings, voter motivation, public expectations Opinion polls23:10 27.08.2018
27 Years of Independence: Ukraine's Achievements and Failures in the Political Dimension Media18:53 25.07.2018
The dissatisfaction of Ukrainians with the current government is growing, while trust of civil activists increases Opinion polls13:49 23.07.2018
The idea of introducing peacekeepers to the Donbas: Do people in the controlled territories want it? Commentaries15:47 20.07.2018
One third of Ukrainians believe that it is necessary to increase international pressure on Russia in order to establish peace in the Donbas Events18:51 19.07.2018
How do the residents of the non-government controlled areas (NGCA) of Donbas subsist? Opinion polls17:29 19.07.2018
How do the temporarily non-controlled territories subsist? Horizontal communication trends between residents of the divided region Analytics13:58 18.07.2018
Petro Burkovsky: We need to ask the “Opposition Bloc”, why do they work concurrently with Russia so much? Media20:39 16.07.2018
Oleхiy Haran and Petro Burkovsky in: Russian-American Relations Since the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Analytics